Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Truth About Hell

Hi Everyone,

Our last G2 meeting I preached about hell. It's the first time that I remember preaching about this topic and I am grateful for the opportunity to encourage all who heard the message to claim Jesus as their Savior--Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come.
If you haven't heard it, here's the link. Feel free to move past the intro comments reviewing the previous Truth messages.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dug Down Deep Chapter 3....finally.

Hi Everyone,

Well, for those of you reading this post. Congratulations--you have endured the ridiculously long and curiously unexplained blog absence this summer! So sorry to keep you waiting. My summer has been filled with our Together church conference and other church stuff. If you've continued reading Dug Down Deep I hope you have been transformed and inspired. This post will be an opportunity to remember the great points of the book. If you haven't read these chapters yet, let me encourage you to do so.

Chapter 3--Near But Not in My Pocket

This chapter highlights the importance of "theology proper"--the study of God himself. Josh focused most of the chapter on God's transcendence--beyond us in his being and in each of his characteristics. I loved the analogy he drew from sitting in the coffee shop and watching people evaluate their appearance in the glass--as though it was a mirror rather than a window. We are like that with God. We wake up and look into our lives assuming that all of life is intended to be all about us, rather than as a window through which we should be looking to see the glory of God. He also mentions that many young people today see God as a divine therapist--available to sooth our hearts but not particularly relevant as an object of adoration. This is seen most clear in the gospel--which so many church kids see merely a safeguard against judgment or a "get out of punishment free card." Yet the gospel is most importantly the revelation of God's glory--as Creator, Judge, Redeemer. The gospel is God reconciling the world to himself, vindicating his justice, redeeming his people, declaring his righteousness. The gospel is a display of God's glory unlike any other. Yet for many church kids the gospel is a trite rehearsal of "Jesus died on the cross for my sins..." without any of the awe, worship, or humility that such a glorious truth should produce.
Ok...if I go any further I might as well have printed the whole chapter. Read it. It's good.

A few questions.
1. What are a few ways that God is bigger/better than us?
2. Has your study of God (in Bible reading or messages) produced an awe of God's greatness?
3. What things in your life produce greater enthusiasm than God's glory?
4. What would it take for you to meditate on God's glory until it produced worship from you?