Thursday, October 7, 2010

Learning from a Legend

You may not know who J.C. Ryle is--but he's one of those men who can rightly be called a giant in the Christian faith. Here is a great quote from him that says again what Jason preached about so well at our last G2 meeting.

The Spirituality of Taste

J.C. Ryle:

The man whose soul is “growing” takes more interest in spiritual things every year. He does not neglect his duty in the world. He discharges faithfully, diligently, and conscientiously every relation of life, whether at home or abroad. But the things he loves best are spiritual things. The ways, and fashions, and amusements, and recreations of the world have a continually decreasing place in his heart. He does not condemn them as downright sinful, nor say that those who have anything to do with them are going to hell. He only feels that they have a constantly diminishing hold on his own affections, and gradually seem smaller and more trifling in his eyes. Spiritual companions, spiritual occupations, spiritual conversation, appear of ever-increasing value to him. Would any one know if he is growing in grace? Then let him look within for increasing spirituality of taste. (Holiness, 107)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Truth About Hell

Hi Everyone,

Our last G2 meeting I preached about hell. It's the first time that I remember preaching about this topic and I am grateful for the opportunity to encourage all who heard the message to claim Jesus as their Savior--Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come.
If you haven't heard it, here's the link. Feel free to move past the intro comments reviewing the previous Truth messages.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dug Down Deep Chapter 3....finally.

Hi Everyone,

Well, for those of you reading this post. Congratulations--you have endured the ridiculously long and curiously unexplained blog absence this summer! So sorry to keep you waiting. My summer has been filled with our Together church conference and other church stuff. If you've continued reading Dug Down Deep I hope you have been transformed and inspired. This post will be an opportunity to remember the great points of the book. If you haven't read these chapters yet, let me encourage you to do so.

Chapter 3--Near But Not in My Pocket

This chapter highlights the importance of "theology proper"--the study of God himself. Josh focused most of the chapter on God's transcendence--beyond us in his being and in each of his characteristics. I loved the analogy he drew from sitting in the coffee shop and watching people evaluate their appearance in the glass--as though it was a mirror rather than a window. We are like that with God. We wake up and look into our lives assuming that all of life is intended to be all about us, rather than as a window through which we should be looking to see the glory of God. He also mentions that many young people today see God as a divine therapist--available to sooth our hearts but not particularly relevant as an object of adoration. This is seen most clear in the gospel--which so many church kids see merely a safeguard against judgment or a "get out of punishment free card." Yet the gospel is most importantly the revelation of God's glory--as Creator, Judge, Redeemer. The gospel is God reconciling the world to himself, vindicating his justice, redeeming his people, declaring his righteousness. The gospel is a display of God's glory unlike any other. Yet for many church kids the gospel is a trite rehearsal of "Jesus died on the cross for my sins..." without any of the awe, worship, or humility that such a glorious truth should produce.
Ok...if I go any further I might as well have printed the whole chapter. Read it. It's good.

A few questions.
1. What are a few ways that God is bigger/better than us?
2. Has your study of God (in Bible reading or messages) produced an awe of God's greatness?
3. What things in your life produce greater enthusiasm than God's glory?
4. What would it take for you to meditate on God's glory until it produced worship from you?

Friday, May 28, 2010

G2 Summer Begins

God Conversations

Hey Guys,
Thank you to those of you who have been coming to the Friday AM God conversations. We've had a great time the last few weeks.
If you couldn't make it, this week's conversation was about doubt. We talked about the reality that Christians, real Christians, experience moments of doubt--the temptation to believe that God isn't real, or that the gospel isn't true, or that Jesus isn't the only way to heaven--doubts like that. To face temptations of doubt doesn't mean you are not a Christian. If you are fighting those doubts with faith--it means that you ARE a Christian. After all, sin is always doubting God at some level. We have the opportunity as Christians to believe the truth of the Word and live believing the good news of God's character.

If you haven't been able to come, please feel free to join us on Fridays at 10am at the church.

Look out later for a post about chapter three from our book.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Digging into Chapter 2

Chapter 2. "In Which I Learn How to Dig". This was a great chapter! Josh talks about the story of the two builders, one who built on the rock and the other, on the sand. He describes how he lived most of his teenage years building on the "sand" of superficial Christianity--and lacked the willingness to dig down deep to the rock of a life built on Jesus. I like how he describes real Christianity:

"Being a Christian means being a person who labors to establish his beliefs, his dreams, his choices, his very view of the world on the truth of who Jesus is and what he has accomplished--A Christian who cares about truth, who cares about sound doctrine. "

A few great truths for us to chew on:

1. Beliefs that don't lead to obedience are simply not deep enough.

2. Transformation in Josh's life only came as a result of study--listening to messages, reading books, and learning from older, wiser people. We don't drift into godliness. "It was as if the'd taken doctrinal ideas off the high shelf, which they seemed to occupy in my mind, and put them to work in their everyday lives. I found this odd and yet appealing."

3. Young people can have a passion to know God and enjoy the truths about God in doctrine. Very encouraging to hear about Josh's old youth group reading systematic theology.
Like Josh, we should not accept the idea that God only works passion for truth in the post twenty age bracket. I believe this passion can happen at any age.

Any thoughts? What stood out to you?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Dug Down Deep

As promised, I am beginning the G2 summer reading posts on Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris. I've started this week at chapter 1 (you should start there too), and I already know this is going to be a great book. If you haven't purchased it yet--we'll have copies in the bookstore on Sunday or you can get it anywhere online.

In the first chapter, Josh remembers his own journey as a teenager through the "youth group" motions of external Christianity. All of us who have grown up in the church can identify. As he says, church is often more a social group than a context for expressing passion for Jesus. He talks about how all of us are theologians--all us live our lives based on our conception of God--but we need to ask whether our views of God are actually true and Biblical.

The last paragraph is worth quoting entirely.

"The irony of my story--and I suppose it often works this way--is that the very things I needed, even longed for in my relationship with God, were wrapped up in the very things I was so sure could do me no good. I didn't understand that such seemingly worn-out words as theology, doctrine, and orthodoxy were the pathway to the mysterious, awe-filled experience of truly knowing the living Jesus Christ."

For anyone who has read the first chapter, feel free to comment. What stood out to you? Ever feel like doctrine is more boring than relevant? Ever feel like Christianity is more moral do's and dont's than a passionate relationship with Jesus?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

last love series meeting this saturday!

Please join us for the last message in the love series on singleness! It is this Saturday, May 1, 2010. As usual, dinner is served at 6 and the meeting begins at 7. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello G2

Hey G2,

To those of you who were able to come to our meeting on Saturday--thanks for coming!!
Its a been a lot of fun to go through this series with all of you and I really appreciate how many of you have taken these topics seriously and are discussing them together and with your parents.

For those of you who missed the meeting on Saturday--the topic was ATTRACTION. The Bible has some important things to say about this topic that is so misunderstood and abused in our culture.

The message will soon be up on the Sovcast on the church website. Go and check it out.
Talk to you guys soon.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

meeting this Saturday!

One other thing I forgot to mention...the 5th meeting of our "Love Series" is this Saturday, April 3. Dinner is at 6 and worship and the message begin at 7. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunrise Senior Center service

G2 will be serving at the Sunrise Senior Center (580 S. Gilbert Rd., on Gilbert north of Warner) on Saturday, April 10, from 11AM-12 noon. There will be a Gospel presentation and some time to build relationships with the residents as we reach out to them. Please email Mr. Salinas at if you're interested in participating.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

g2 ice skating - sunday, march 21

The "just for fun" G2 ice skating event is tomorrow, March 21st, from 12:30-3:30 pm at Polar Ice (Warner and Greenfield, right by Crossroads Park where we had the last church picnic). The cost will be $6-7, depending on the group size, and includes skates. Feel free to bring friends. See you there!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Remember, this Saturday, March 6, is the next G2 meeting on love. Dinner is at 6, and worship and the message at 7, as usual.
Also coming up on Saturday, March 13 from 8:30-11:30 AM, G2 will be serving food to the homeless or families in need at St. Vincent de Paul, in the Wayne Unruh Dining Room. The address is 67 W. Broadway Road, Mesa, AZ, 85210 (Broadway and Macdonald, between Mesa Dr. and Country Club). We may also have an opportunity to hand out tracts and share the Gospel with those we serve - this is completely voluntary and will most likely occur after 11:30.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

upcoming events

TOMORROW, Sunday, Feb. 21, is the picnic at Freestone Park (Lindsay between Guadalupe and Elliot) after church for G2 and their families. Wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty, because there will be football, frisbee, and other active games! Bring your own lunch and any fun games for a large group.
This Friday, February 26, 7-11 PM, is a party at the McCormicks! There will be a bonfire, games, and adult supervision. :) Parents are welcome as well. Please bring pop and a snack to share. Call 480-243-4069 with any questions.
Feel free to bring friends to either of these casual G2 events.
Also coming up on Saturday, March 13 from 8:30-11:30 AM, G2 will be serving food to the homeless or families in need at St. Vincent de Paul, in the Wayne Unruh Dining Room. The address is 67 W. Broadway Road, Mesa, AZ, 85210 (Broadway and Macdonald, between Mesa Dr. and Country Club). We may also have an opportunity to hand out tracts and share the Gospel with those we serve - this is completely voluntary and will most likely occur after 11:30.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

chili cook out details

Here are the details on the chili cookout this Saturday, Feb. 13, at 6 PM at church. Besides the presentation and consumption of the chili, we will be playing games and basically just having a fun hang-out fellowship time. As far as what to bring, please bring any toppings you want for your caregroup's chili, except for cheese and fritos, which the church will provide. Also, feel free to bring friends as always! See you there!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

we want YOUR thoughts!

Hey everybody! First of all, a big thank you to everyone who has been serving G2 in set-up, tear-down, creative team, band, food, and everything else! The church has felt so fun, looked so nice, and had such good food, and it couldn't have happened without YOU! Thanks also to Mr. Payne who has done an amazing job on making the messages clear and Biblical! Speaking of which, if you would like to download them, they are available on the iTunes podcast for our church. Go to and click iTunes. They are under G2: LOVE.
Second, we are hoping to make this blog more interactive, so please check back every day or two and comment any thoughts. Right now, we are especially looking for 1) discussions on the messages, 2) ideas for G2 fundraisers for Together 2010, and 3) what you would like to see on the G2 blog (for example, we have had requests for, and are working on, getting up videos/slideshows from the Christmas banquet and the Feb. meeting). Any and all thoughts are welcome on the blog, or you can email Mr. Payne or me (Emily Bell). Thanks so much!


Just a quick thanks to all who have served in the last few G2 service events, at the Sunrise Senior Center and Child Crisis Center. There have been many comments on how much the seniors and staff appreciate it. Please remember to keep them in your prayers. The next G2 service event is at the Child Crisis Center on Saturday, February 20, from 2:30-3:30 pm. YOU MUST BE 16+ TO SERVE. We will be doing crafts and games with the 4-7 year-olds. Again, the address is 604 W 9th Street, Mesa, AZ, and you can email Mr. Salinas at with questions or to sign up. Thanks again for your hearts to serve!

Thanks for coming

hi everyone,

Thanks for coming to the G2 meeting last night. I'm really enjoying going through this "Love" series with all of you. Thanks for being willing to place your lives before God's word!
Please feel free to comment here any topics that are impacting you or any additional questions that you have.

Friday, February 5, 2010

G2 tomorrow!

Hey everybody! Sorry this is a little bit of a late reminder, but remember that G2 is tomorrow, Feb. 6, at church. Dinner is served at 6 PM and the meeting will begin at 7. Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Coming Up this Month...

G2 "Love Series" kick-offs: Friday, January 8, at 8 pm and Saturday, January 9, at 6 pm. Saturday night will include dinner for everyone and the boys serving the girls ice cream for their victory in the diaper drive competition. Be there!
Also, be sure to sign up for the service projects coming up in January and February. Saturday, January 23, we will be crafts, games, or food with the seniors at Sunrise Senior Center in Gilbert. The time is undecided as of yet, but will most likely be for about an hour in the early afternoon. Details on time and activity coming soon.
On Saturday, February 20, from 2:30-3:30 pm, we will be doing crafts and games with the 4-7 year-old's at the Child Crisis Center. IMPORTANT: MUST BE 16+ FOR THIS SERVICE PROJECT AND THERE ARE ONLY 10 SPACES FOR VOLUNTEERS.
Email Mr. Salinas at to sign up for either of the service projects. See you all at the kick-off meetings this weekend!